Logistics / Container consolidation

Eucalyptus and Pinus logs for sawing and peeling are mainly exported to the Asian market, most relevant destinations being: China, Vietnam and India. Other frequent destinations are the Philippines, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand and e Indonesia

Cargo is shipped weekly,11 months each year, in 40-foot containers shipped in regular services arriving at the port of Montevideo.

Container consolidation operations are conducted in an outsourced warehouse near the port of Montevideo and they involve the following activities:


  • Unloading of trucks that transport the logs harvested in the different forests.
  • Classification, measurement and labeling of logs.
  • Filling of containers using adapted rubber-wheeled vehicles and issuing the Packing List through the use of barcode readers.
  • Shipment of container to port terminals. 

Each of the tasks mentioned is carried out under the strict supervision of our company´s staff during the 100% of the operating time. Our staff operate an “online” comprehensive management computer system for the transmission of data in real time.