Logistics / Strategy

Flexibility, efficiency and low cost

FAS offers forest producers a wide range of commercial alternatives, each with a different degree of involvement on their part. Likewise, it offers different logistics options, depending on the producer’s needs.

To accomplish this, our logistics department is capable of managing every stage of the productive chain, and thus we are able to offer services which include timber value determination (forestry inventory), harvesting, transportation, warehousing and processing (bundles and/or chips), delivery at the port and loading onto a vessel to be exported.

We provide the forest producer with total solutions, showing a high degree of adaptability and flexibility to customize the services to the different needs.  These solutions may include the management of every step in the logistics chain or just those requested by the producer (e.g. harvesting, road building, transportation to warehouse, etc.).

The planning, management and control of logistics operations is carried out by FAS. Specialized service companies are hired to deal with the direct execution of the different activities. These companies are required to meet the standards established by FAS, according to certification, legal, hygiene, work safety, social and environmental regulations, as well as the quality requirements of their customers and forest producers.

Besides being efficient, professional and with low costs, it is very important for the logistics department to provide reliable information. Traceability systems (controlled timber – bar code in logs) as well as the timber measurement systems (Archimedes principle) instrumented by FAS, give assurance of the quality, quantity and origin of the product received.

Both procedures give the forest producer assurance of the transparency and accuracy in the determination of the amount of timber they commercialize.

In such a competitive world, efficiency in production and/or logistics processes is of the essence in any operation. This is one of the main concerns underlying the stages of the productive chain of FAS.