Logistics / The Mill

Since its origin, the mill was conceived to be flexible enough to produce chips customized to the needs of every customer. This depends on the species to be chipped and the measures of the chips wanted (length, width, homogeneity, etc.) The construction and operation of the mill was entrusted to Fulhum Fibres, an American company with more than 35 mills around the world.  Our mill is a world-class facility which meets the highest standards in the production and automated management of chips.

Woodchips need to meet different specifications for the cellulose production process.  Each manufacturer follows its own recipe in the production process. Chip size and homogeneity make the difference (amount of fiber obtained, chemical product usage, energy consumption, etc.).

Some of the regulations required by customers are:

SCAN 47:92

SCAN 40:01

SCAN 40:88

We have installed an Australian plant for the treatment and recovery of the water used for the washing of logs before chipping. This enables us to be highly-efficient in the use of water with the consequent protection of the environment.