January 2024
World Environmental Education Day

On this World Environmental Education Day, we want to highlight the importance of promoting environmental awareness from an early age. Our educational programs aimed at schools seek to inspire future generations to become environmentally conscious citizens. Through different activities that vary from year to year, we explore topics such as ecosystems, fauna and flora that make up biodiversity and sustainable production, providing students with key tools and knowledge to understand, appreciate and care for our planet. In 2023 we carried out the "Exploration Zone" program in alliance with Edúcate, this allowed us to reach 10 rural schools in Rocha and Lavalleja with an attractive proposal to work throughout the year in natural sciences, establishing direct connections between the curricular content and the daily experience of each child. Click and find out everything we did during the year.

Through these educational experiences, we foster a deep understanding of the interconnection between nature and our daily lives. Children and teachers not only acquire theoretical knowledge, but also immerse themselves in practical activities that strengthen their connection with the environment.

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