April 2024
Cellulose as a transformative solution

Our organization recognizes cellulose as a transformative solution, capable of redefining and transcending the conventional use of plastics towards a broader spectrum of sustainable applications. We are proud to lead the way towards less dependence on plastics, taking advantage of the cellulose obtained from our responsible forestry management. We extend this influence to the packaging sector, where our cellulosic coating initiatives are reducing the environmental footprint and introducing durable, water-resistant options. In addition, we are making a difference, replacing single-use utensils with cellulose options, highlighting our proactive role in ecological management. Today, as we reflect on the collective impact of our actions, Forestal Atlántico Sur reaffirms its dedication to innovating in the pulp industry, promoting solutions that promote sustainability. Together, we move towards a circular economy that prioritizes renewable resources and minimizes waste, demonstrating that, with every conscious step, we are part of the solution in this global environmental crisis.