May 2024
Launch of the

Between readings, magic, and lots of fun, we celebrated the start of a new year full of learning with the schools of Rocha and Lavalleja. This event not only marked the beginning of our ongoing commitment to education and community development but also strengthened the bonds among all participants, promising a year full of shared learning and growth. Click here to see the photos of the event.

In Lavalleja, we met at Esc. No. 57 of Barriga Negra. In Rocha, Esc. No. 42 of Parallé received us. The day included the participation of schools and families that will be part of the program, as well as numerous members of our team. The event was full of exciting activities, including the performance of a magician who fascinated everyone present with his show. Reading sessions were also held, where both children and adults enjoyed stories and books specially selected to encourage a love of reading. We also delivered, together with some representatives of contracting companies, the 25 backpacks with books that we collected together in the “Mobile Library” Campaign.


Photos of the Event