Products / Carbon Emissions Certificates

Forests, through the wood produced, trap and store carbon dioxide through photosynthesis; this becomes the main tool to mitigate climate change. This environmental benefit is recognized by the Verified Carbon Standard, to whom the project for the generation of carbon credits was presented. The project will generate approximately 5 million tons of carbon to be traded in the carbon market.


In 2011, the project presented by Guanaré S.A. (owner of the planted forests, and managed by FAS), was audited by Rainforest Alliance, who determined that it met the Verified Carbon Standard.


In 2013, the first control was conducted after having requested the recognition of 3 million tons of CO2, or VCU (Verified Carbon Unit). On October 28, 2014, Guanare S.A. received from the certifying entity Rainforest Alliance, verification for a total of 3 million tons of CO2 (CO2 Certificates), registered under verification code: RA-VER-VCS-019793


The VCS (Voluntary Carbon Standard) is the world's largest greenhouse gas reduction program. It was founded in 2005 by a group of business and environmental leaders who saw the need to provide greater guarantees for carbon certificates in voluntary markets.


Since then, voluntary carbon markets around the world have removed more than 161 million tons of carbon from the atmosphere.