Products / Forest Managment

Our company’s forestry management framework plan is developed according to production objectives. Best practices principles as well as environmental issues are taken into account, paying special attention to the social environment in which the activity operates, meeting at the same time all the requirements of the regulations in force.

On the other hand, plans at lot level are designed based on field assessments in order to accomplish the best harvesting possible according to the site conditions. In those plans, the corresponding schedules and particulars of plantation operations, silvicultural practices, harvesting and post-harvesting are described. Decisions regarding species selection, seeds origin, plantation design, operational methods, management options, etc. are adopted taking into account the company’s productive aims and following technical and logistic criteria.

The good forest management practices adopted by FORESTAL ATLANTICO SUR are applied equally in the sites of GUANARE S.A. which are managed by our company, as in the other sites owned by other producers from which our company purchases standing forests.