Sustainbility / Corporate social responsibility / Introduction

Forestal Atlántico Sur´s Social Responsibility policy regarding its stakeholders and collaborators is defined in its General Management Policy in the following principles:

â–ª Long-term, sustained development of activities with an economically viable, sustainable, comprehensive management that is environmentally friendly and socially beneficial.

â–ª Promoting positive relationships with stakeholders and neighbors, effective communication, transparency, dialogue, respect for the diverse interests of the communities, cooperation with projects and needs related to the local development of the communities we interact with through diverse extension, educational and recreational activities, and prioritizing hiring of local staff.

â–ª Recognizing staff as a fundamental asset for the growth of the company, encouraging teamwork, personal and professional development of each staff member, in a context of respect, non-discrimination, trust, commitment, transparency and ethics.

â–ª Implementing training courses informing, raising awareness about and engaging all collaborators in the pillars of this policy.

 FAS and Local Communities

Taking into account the local reality, action programs are established within the framework of FAS´s Annual Social Action Plan (Social Responsibility), Extension Programs and the Educational Institutions Project to achieve an effective communication with communities, protect their tangible and intangible cultural values, and provide support to local development in harmony with forestry.

 FAS and its collaborators

As established by its Social Responsibility Policy, staff is considered a fundamental asset for the growth of the company and one of its main interest groups. Therefore, the main objective of Social Responsibility in its internal dimension is to promote the development of each member of the organization, from a professional and personal standpoint, promoting favorable working conditions that generate productivity, competitiveness and family well-being.


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