Sustainbility / Environmental Management and Monitoring / Wildlife monitoring and study

The fauna survey and monitoring program comprises the tetrapod vertebrates, such as amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. The main objective of this program is the evaluation of the tetrapod diversity found in the different natural and artificial environments of sites managed by FAS during the entire forestry cycle.

Taking into account that the biologic diversity of a place depends on the number of species present (species richness) and on the number of individuals in each species (relative abundance) and that the most significant man-caused transformation is the simplification of natural environments and the biodiversity reduction, biologic diversity indexes (Shannon, Margalef, Simpson, Jaccard) are proposed for the determination of the environmental impact degree.

Species richness estimators (Chao, Jacknife) are suggested for the assessment of the existing number of species present in each site studied.

Expected results

Recording and classifying the different species of fauna which may be present in the sites studied, both in natural and forested areas with the aim of establishing diversity and richness indexes and indicator species for each area surveyed. The results of these studies will provide information about the interaction and dynamics of the different species in connection with forestry activity and thus allow recommendations to be given concerning forest management and/or the establishment of high conservation value (HCV) areas.