Sustainbility / Integrated Managment System / FSC® Forest Certification

Our company has been certified according to the Principles and Criteria of the FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®), and therefore a responsible management of our forests is our commitment.

In the year 2006 FORESTAL ATLÁNTICO SUR started the forestry certification process under the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®), committing to comply with the good forest management principles established according to the international standards of the organization.

In August 2006 the company was awarded the Chain of Custody Certification under the modality of FSC® Mixed Credit System and Transfer System. This certification includes the commercialization of both roundwood and timber processed in the company’s chipping mills.

In February 2007, GUANARÉ S.A., holding company of the sites managed by FORESTAL ATLÁNTICO SUR was awarded the Certification of Forestry Management; during 2013 the certified area reached 72.292 ha from Guanaré S.A. and A.A.R.L. on the East side of the country . In July 2007 the certificate for the “Certification Group FORESTAL ATLÁNTICO SUR” was obtained and the company became its Administrator under conditions agreed among the members of the Group. The certified area includes several management units of different producers located in the center and east of the country, in the provinces of Florida, Lavalleja, Rocha and Maldonado.