The company / Managment Policy

FAS manages its forest plantations integrated with other land uses, optimizing the management of natural resources responsibly according to the following policy principles:

-An economically, environmentally and socially integrated management for the achievement of the company’s productive aims in a sustainable manner and with long term horizons.

  • Adherence to the Principles & Criteria of the Forest Stewardship Council ® (FSC ®) for forest management and chain of custody, avoiding at any circumstance the management of wood from controversial origins.

  • Good management of forestry resources, supported by the continuous study of the scientific breakthroughs, the experience in the country and the application of the best practices.

  • Observation of national and international regulations in force, as well as the provisions established by the certification standards adopted by the company periodically verifying such compliance through inspections and audits.

  • Supporting our employees in what regards to their professional and personal growth as we believe them to be essential for the development of the company encouraging teamwork, personal and professional development of each member, in an environment of respect, non-discrimination, trust, commitment, transparency and ethics.

  • Promote health, safety and welfare of all employees through a proactive, systematic and effective management based on an adequate identification, assessment and control of risks.

  • Implement trainings workshops focused on informing, raising awareness, promoting involvement and engagement of all employees in the basics of this policy.

  • Preservation of natural resources and values, seeking the recuperation of degraded systems, the conservation of ecosystems’ functions and the protection of areas and species of special interest. Preservation of cultural values and the respect for local communities interests.

  • Promote positive stakeholder relations, good neighbourliness, open communication, transparency, dialogue, respect for the diverse interests of communities. Encourage cooperation through projects related to the local development of the communities where we interact through educational and recreational activities and prioritizing the hiring of local staff.

  • All our employees, representatives, advisors and consultants, regardless where they are located, are prohibited by law and policy of Forestal Atlántico Sur to offer or receive, pledge, payable or receivable, directly or indirectly, money or anything else value to any person, or entity (eg representatives of political parties, public and / or private companies -contractors- services institutions, other) to obtain or retain undue, own or benefits company.

    People who represent FAS have a responsibility to visibly show our commitment to this policy and any documents the develop or complement for its effective implementation.